2022 Photobook
Each year a photobook is printed as a record of the club’s achievements and as a showcase of the skills and creativity of our members. The books are displayed at public events and at club meetings.
This gallery shows the images, in page order, included in the 2022 photobook. The sequence of which photographer appears on each page was randomised.
Free of lockdowns and restrictions, our members got out and about this year on field trips and holidays. Enjoying the outdoors, nature and wildlife.
Richard Baldwin
Kevin Roberts
Si Stagg
Tracey Crook
Jill Hamilton
Birgit Mayled
Michael Weston
Sue Lloyd
Angela Lamden
Ray Clark
Alan Woolfenden
Julie Drew-Clifton
Wendy Laws
Ibolya Gyorffy
Darren Lamden
Patrina Smith
Kim Repton
Colin Neville
Stuart Bain
Shyeena Williams
Anne Sayer
Paul Roberts
Cathy Davies
Carole Orme
Curtis Haines
Anne Palmer
Wendy Crocker
Peter Gosney
Trevor Stallwood
Pam Garland
Ray Buckland
Ken Hunt
Project Winners and Chairman's Cup
Here is the collection of the first place winners of our monthly themed projects. At the end of the year, members vote again for their overall favourite which is awarded the Chairman's Cup.